Sunday, July 24, 2016


We have had a fish tank since November of 2015, approximately 8 months. 10 gallons of passing glances at cute fish with colorful names and scales. I was able to withstand the barrage of "Dad, can we have a dog..." and the compromise was the tank and the fish. Little did I know, fish can be expensive and often, they don't last.

My family and I have unfortunately negatively impacted conservation efforts on several species of aquarium fish, including the Betta and Danio population over the last 8 months. PETA has begun protests in front of our house, and my children fear leaving the safety of our home, as someone may throw red paint on us on the way to our car. It's gotten pretty bad, we have failed 7 fish, and have only 2 brave souls remaining. I thought perhaps eating sushi in front of them was part of the problem, however, we have now gotten to the point where I think they may enjoy a "last dinner" more than they dislike seeing their breathren on our table.

They have shared wonderful names, such as Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Glimmer, Mr Sucker, Glubs, and Glubs the second. Tributes can be found in our backyard for Glubs the second, he was buried below our mulch near the playhouse. Glubs "the original" may or may not have been flushed down the toilet before my children came home, I cannot confirm or deny his whereabouts.

Friday evening, after work, I had to remove Mr Sucker, who was sleeping with the fishes, or Luca Brasi, if you are old enough to remember this reference. Saturday morning, after a night out with friends while our kids had a sitter, I was forced to extract Glimmer, who was supposedly still blinking, in spite of the fact he was stuck to the intake pipe of the water filter upside down the entire morning. After a failed attempt at resuscitation to pacify my children, Glimmer circled the drain and made his way to water treatment.

What has been truly amazing to watch, has been the transformation in my girls.

We began with massive sobbing and tears when Glubs the first passed and I failed to provide a proper burial. Glubs the 2nd was buried with a prayer and memorial service.

Somewhere in between Glubs the Deuce and Mr Sucker, my children went from wanting to host a wake, to flipping the fish into the toilet and flushing it themselves.

I blame myself, my inability to keep fish alive certainly has made their disposability an issue.

This event has led to a revelation. Girls don't need fish. Anyone want a 10 gallon tank before my kids begin to think nature is disposable? 2 fish included if you make it soon...



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