Friday, May 20, 2016

Daddy Daughter Dance

There are certain things that generate significant joy and excitement in my house. A few examples include when I leave my ipad home from work by accident and the kids watch Netflix, an impromptu sushi Sunday when we order California rolls and shrimp tempura for the end of week evening dinner, or perhaps a frozen yogurt or hot chocolate reward for giving their best effort in a sport or school event.

The celebrations of these moments is like passing gas by yourself in a breezy forest when compared to the exuberance my daughters have for daddy daughter dance. It's kinda a big deal.

Preparation begins months in advance. Dress shopping, coordination of tie to their dress, nails painted, hair done, dinner reservations with their crew and the other fathers, corsage orders, photos by the waterfall, and dance practice. British royalty would be impressed with the pomp and circumstance surrounding that, that is the daddy daughter dance prep.

This year, I took two young ladies to the daddy daughter dance at school, as my youngest entered K3 and became eligible to attend for the first time, and my oldest continued her tradition of letting loose in the decorated gymnasium.

As is tradition, some of my observations from the evening:

1. My daughters counted down the days to daddy daughter dance on a calendar for the last several weeks. Santa, you have anticipation competition, you better bring it this winter...

2.  Whether you are buying kobe beef or mac and cheese, I'm convinced it is genetically programmed from birth, when a girl puts on a pretty dress, that they cannot eat everything on their plate at dinner, but will need a snack at the club later that evening.

3. You know it's going to be a good night when the bartender asks your date, "juice box, water, cookie, or carmel corn sweetie?"

4. Michael Jackson is laughing in his leather pants and sequins. 4 year olds already know how to dance to "Billie Jean" and the 40 year old dads try to throw a hip out to it still. I'm convinced the fountain of youth could be buried somewhere in the chords of PYT or Thriller.

5. I now know it is entirely unfair to compete in a limbo contest against 3' tall 6 and 7 year olds. They literally bend backwards in half while smiling.

6. You know you had a good night at any age, when you walk from the dance club to your car with two girls in your arms.

7. I'm convinced Cockroaches and the Macarena could survive a nuclear holocaust.

8. Had I been interested in retiring the national debt, I could have sold the amazing miniature shoe collection by the door where they were discarded immediately upon arrival at the dance.

9. It's still worth it to ask for the last dance of the evening.

10. There is nothing like locking eye smiles and knowing your dance partner cares only that you are there, and could care less about anything else at that moment in time.

11. If you have never danced with your daughter(s), I highly recommend trying it sooner rather than later. There is nothing like hearing that her favorite part of the night was when she got to dance with you.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


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